Web Instruments
Completely free Web Instruments integrated into your Web Site Control Panel

With the range of Web Instruments built into the Web Site Control Panel, you are able to start popularizing your fresh website, right after it is created. With the RSS News syndication software, you can quickly put a frequently kept up–to–date notifications section in your web site. Utilizing the GeoIP re–direction instrument, you’re able to direct your visitors according to their country. Additionally, via the Sitemap Generator, you can generate an elaborate sitemap for your website and send it to search engines.
A Sitemap Generator
A sitemap application incorporated right into your Web Site Control Panel
If you have just recently brought out your website and want it to get listed a lot faster by the the major search engines, or if you need to give your web visitors a fast way to navigate through all your webpages, you will need to utilize a sitemap. Sitemap can be described as a set of all the webpages on your website that have been linked to. Normally, you’ll have to rely on third–party applications to perform the job, nevertheless with Mid Georgia Hosting, you can get a Sitemap Generator built directly into the Web Site Control Panel.
The Sitemap Generator Mid Georgia Hosting offers is certainly user friendly and since it’s perfectly suitable for our cloud Linux shared hosting platform – your website is going to be scanned quickly.
GeoIP Redirection
Geo location–based redirections with a click of the mouse
Mid Georgia Hosting will provide you with an excellent way to re–route website visitors based on their location. Through the GeoIP re–direction tool, you can re–direct all customers who come from a certain region to a native language version of your site. For example, if you have an Italian variant of your website, you can easily forward all the site visitors from Italy to that particular page in contrast to asking them to move to Italian as soon as they visit the English variation. This will help you present your site visitors with a natural online experience from the start.
There’s no need for any particular abilities or computer experience to use the GeoIP re–direction tool. It’s all set up with a mouse click.
RSS News
Show the latest news on your website
In the Mid Georgia Hosting Web Site Control Panel, we have bundled an instrument, which lets you include information from the most well–known information channels worldwide within your sites, with just a click. Our News application works on auto–pilot and won’t need any extra configuration work from you,
The RSS News unit is fully customizable in terms of HTML and CSS. You’re able to modify the total number of information bits that are going to be presented, the way they will appear like, precisely how they will be arranged, etcetera.