The disk space feature shows the overall volume of info that you could have on your shared hosting server at any given time. With a desktop computer, for instance, this is the total size of your hard disk or the total capacity of all hard disks in the event that the PC has more than just a single one. Exactly as the space on a home machine is shared between installed software, documents, music etc, the server hdd space is normally divided between website files, databases and emails. Each file, folder and e-mail requires some disk space on your server, and that means you should think about various factors, not just the size of the files that you will upload. For example, getting sizeable e-mail attachments or using a script-driven site in which the user-generated content is stored in a database will also affect the space you are using.

Disk Space in Shared Hosting

In order to match the processing power behind all our cloud web hosting packages, we've taken into consideration and implemented the best possible system regarding the disk space - your hosting account will not be made using just one server, but on a cluster system. For that reason, what we have assembled is a whole cluster of servers which is centered on the file storage only, hence you should never be worried about running out of HDD space and having to move to a new server because your existing one can't accommodate more content. In the event that more space is necessary, we just attach more machines to the cluster, so the disk space is virtually inexhaustible. Needless to say, all our Linux shared hosting are intended to be employed for sites, not for a database of large files. We have separate machines for all of the databases as well as the e-mails.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you get a semi-dedicated server plan from our firm, you'll not need to concern yourself with the storage space that you'll be able to use for the basic reason that this characteristic is limitless. Unlike many other web hosting companies who promise a similar service, but generate accounts using a single machine where a limited number of hard drives can be connected, we make use of an innovative cloud system that employs groups of servers. All of your files will be located on a single cluster, your emails on another, the databases on a third one and so on. This type of system offers two important advantages - first, the hdd storage will never finish as we're able to connect more servers to any cluster that requires them, and second, the servers will function much more smoothly for they will take care of just a single kind of processes. A semi-dedicated server package gives you the convenience to expand your websites as much as you want.

Disk Space in VPS

The disk space that we provide with our virtual private servers is different depending on the package that you choose when you register. Using a more powerful server, you can conveniently run an array of sites, that means more content, which means that the superior the VPS plan, the more disk storage you'll have available. Changing from one plan to another one usually takes just a few clicks and it will not involve any kind of service interruption. Your web site databases, files and emails will share the the full amount of space the server has, still if you'd prefer to get preset quotas, you are able to choose cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during your ordering process. Both instruments will enable you to set up hosting accounts with restricted disk space and if needed, even to allot space from one account to another. Using the third choice that you will find on the order page, our Hepsia Control Panel, all domain names will share the space.

Disk Space in Dedicated Hosting

Our Linux dedicated hosting come with a number of HDDs to suit the computing power that you'll get, therefore you'll never need to worry for not having enough hard disk storage. The drives can operate in RAID, i.e. a drive can be used as a copy of another drive so as to guarantee that all your data will be backed up, or you can use it as a stand alone for even greater total storage space. Hundreds of gigabytes of hdd space will be at your disposal all of the time, which means that you'll be able to run huge sites, upload big files or even keep a copy of your archive. Considering that a dedicated server is definitely the most powerful type of web hosting, you'll be able to upload/download files with extremely fast speeds. If necessary, we also provide the option to include more drives and utilize even additional space for your data. We provide 3 hosting Control Panels with the dedicated servers - when you use Hepsia, all your domain names will share the entire server space and they will be operated from a single place, while with cPanel and DirectAdmin you'll have the alternative to generate individual web hosting accounts with pre-selected disk space quotas for each domain name hosted on the server.